Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Assignment08,07_Matrix & Bubble Diagrams

Matrix & Bubble Diagrams


  1. This is very limited. Please look at your case studies. Theaters are very complex buildings.
    But good start

    1. Thank you for the input professor, I will add a matrix and further develop my bubble diagram in do time.

  2. Hi Jon, below my comments
    First: the graphic. We must be careful about graphics. What kind of font did you use? Why did you choose that background pic?
    Second: have you thought about the dimensions ofor the functions you highlighted? Can you poease share them?
    Third: it seens to ne that some connections in the scheme are missing. Why the music halls (2?) are not connected to the bar? And why the backstage is not oinked to the theater?
    Thank you

    1. Thank you for your input but, please next time watch your grammar, kind of hard to understand what you're trying to say.
      First: I don't get what you mean by background pic? Are you talking about the bubble diagram or the actual blog?
      Second: This is my first bubble diagram, and I'll be honest, I rushed it, but the theater arena was supposed to be the biggest bubble biggest it needs the most space, and the entrance should also be wide because, why have a small entrance, when you can have a grand entrance for a grand theater.
      Third: Why would I want drunkards to disrupt my theater performance and ruin everyone else's good time by connecting the concert hall which are the audience sits to the bar.And I shall fix that backstage connection.

  3. Hi Jon
    Please try to be more polite, I just want to help you. First of all sorry for my grammat but I think you well understood my words. My
    Comment on graphics: I think you can do something better, I am sure. Both the blog and the diagrams are not at your level. About dimensions: did you have an idea about the squares meters pf each space? About the connections: why would you want drunkards to disrupt your theater performance ny connecting the arena to the bar?
    Thank you for your attention
